Worm composting with preschoolers

About three months ago we donated some red wigglers to Grandview Preschool. I have sadly been too wrapped up with work to tend to them as well as I should have. The good news is that it’s been rather chilly and the worms do well with this type of weather.

I asked the kids to feed the worms, we gave them some food that was in my fridge a little too long and I hope to be able to repurpose any leftover food and give them to our wiggly buddies. The long term goal is to have the preschool incorporate the chickens that they keep and the worms into their ecosystem of food waste. For now, we will take baby steps until the kids and teachers become acclimated to the changes.

Here is more information on red worm composting: https://unclejimswormfarm.com/red-worms-eat-compost/

toddlers and compost