Recycling and Product Consumption

I’ve had a lot going on this summer and I haven’t had a chance to update this site. A lot has been going on for me, from doing more work under the Waste Warrior program for sustainability in Burbank, to completing the Master Gardener program. Once of the most valuable things that I’m learning or re-learning is the connections between all of these programs and how we are so intertwined as humans to our environment. Meaning, we can’t talk about sustainability without addressing our needs for convenience. Zero-waste or the journey to it is not easy, it’s not convenient but it gets easier as we change our habits one small step at a time.

I came across this link, sent by a friend:

The Intercept did a great job of outlining what we’re up against. I try to belong to the school of thought that we vote with our dollars and the way we consume impacts the environment. There were a couple of things that really stood out: black plastic and its toxicity, the low rate of recycling, where our plastic is ending up now that it’s not in China. It’s gross, it’s soul crushing and we need to do better because we are learning more and more. We need to fight big oil in an organized way, where they have lobbyists, we have passion, we have a desire to keep the environment thriving and it’s our responsibility to work with what the earth has provided for us.