Raised Beds

We love our front yard, unfortunately we have strict orders from our landlord to not touch the grass. Meaning, if we want to start our garden we have to work with pots and raised beds. I’ve seen wonderful raised beds, but I’ve never built my own so this will be our attempt at building.

Our goal is to build 2 different boxes: The first a 4’x4′ and the second a 2’x4′

We want to use the bigger box immediately, for tomato plants. The second, for plants that may grow like vines.

The first thing you’ll need is a plan. Our plan was to have boxes that are about 2′ off the ground, giving the plants enough space for a root structure. Keep in mind you’ll have to fill it with soil and it can get pricey. We opted for beautiful redwood from Home Depot.

These pieces of wood aren’t cheap, so you really want to get your measurements right.


4 – 1″H x 8’L x 1″W

2 – 4″x4″ for corner reinforcement (6’H x 4″W x 4″)

1 box of 4″ screw

1 canvas material for the floor (since we’re on top of cement.

redwood supplies
Redwood for our beautiful raised beds

Building Materials + soil and mulch

raisedbed build
sawing redwood

I used a sawhorse table to cut saw the 8′ redwood planks in 2. This was the last step, my trusty boyfriend did most of the work to be honest – as I was a little unsteady.


4x4 raised beds

Finished product.

In hindsight, I would have planted less tomato plants in this space to give them space to grow. I had 5 in here and it was overwhelming at times. Next year 3 tomato plants and smaller, edible herb garden.